Menu, Tray, Icon, images\ahk-remote-desktop.ico
; Readline apps
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_class mintty
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass ; CMD
GroupAdd, Grp1, Windows PowerShell ISE
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_class HwndWrapper\[DefaultDomain;;[\da-f\-]+] ; VS
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_class Vim
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_exe Code.exe
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_exe Console.exe
GroupAdd, Grp1, ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe
; Delete a word with backspace
GroupAdd, Grp2, - Mery$ ahk_class TChildForm ; Mery
GroupAdd, Grp2, ahk_class CabinetWClass ; Explorer
GroupAdd, Grp2, ahk_class Notepad ; Notepad
!^F24::Send #{Right}
!^F23::Send #{Left}
!^F22::Send +#{Up}
!^F21::Send #{Up}
!^F15::Send #r
+^F15::Send #s
LAlt & PgUp::AltTab
^+F20::Send !{F4}
; +^F21::
; WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
; _W := W + Floor(A_ScreenWidth / 7)
; if (X + _W < A_ScreenWidth) {
; WinMove, A, , , , _W
; Send +#{Up}
; } else {
; Send #{Up}
; }
; Return
<!Space::IME_SET(0) ; for using this PC on not remote-desktop
>!Space::IME_SET(1) ; for using this PC on not remote-desktop
IME_SET(SetSts, WinTitle="A") {
if (WinActive(WinTitle)) {
ptrSize := !A_PtrSize ? 4 : A_PtrSize
VarSetCapacity(stGTI, cbSize:=4+4+(PtrSize*6)+16, 0)
NumPut(cbSize, stGTI, 0, "UInt") ; DWORD cbSize;
hwnd := DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", Uint,0, Uint,&stGTI)
? NumGet(stGTI,8+PtrSize,"UInt") : hwnd
return DllCall("SendMessage"
, UInt, DllCall("imm32\ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd", Uint,hwnd)
, UInt, 0x0283 ;Message : WM_IME_CONTROL
, Int, 0x006 ;wParam : IMC_SETOPENSTATUS
, Int, SetSts) ;lParam : 0 or 1
MButton Up::
if (WinExist("ahk_exe Magnify.exe")) {
Send #{ESC}
} else {
Send #=
!^F20:: ; Via RemoteDesktop
if (WinActive("ahk_exe chrome.exe") || WinActive("ahk_exe msedge.exe")) {
Send ^w
} else if (WinActive("ahk_exe code.exe")) {
Send, ^{F4}
} else {
Send, !{F4}``
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Console.exe
!l::Send, +{Home}{BackSpace}clear{Enter}
!c::Send, ^{Ins}^{Delete}
!v::Send, +{Ins}
NumPadLeft:: Send, ^{PgDn}
; NumPadIns & Tab:: Send, ^{PageDown}
; Input, OutputVar, L1 T5 C
; If (OutputVar = "s") {
; Send, ^+o
; } Else If (OutputVar = "|") {
; Send, ^+e
; } Else If (OutputVar = "h") {
; Sleep 50
; Send ^{PageUp}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "l"){
; Sleep 50
; Send ^{PageDown}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "k"){
; Sleep 50
; Send ^{PageUp}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "j"){
; Sleep 50
; Send ^{PageDown}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "_"){
; Sleep 50
; Send !+{-}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "="){
; Sleep 50
; Send !{=}
; Sleep 50
; } Else If (OutputVar = "r"){
; Sleep 50
; Send !r
; Sleep 50
; } Else {
; SendInput %OutputVar%
; }
; Return
; PowerShell/Cmd
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
StringReplace, Clipboard2, Clipboard, `r`n, , All
StringReplace, Clipboard2, Clipboard2, `n, , All
StringReplace, Clipboard2, Clipboard2, `r, , All
SendInput {Raw}%Clipboard2%
WinGet, id, List, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
Loop, %id%
StringTrimRight, this_id, id%A_Index%, 0
WinGetClass, this_class, ahk_id %this_id%
WinGetTitle, this_title, ahk_id %this_id%
id_list%A_Index% = %this_id%
if (id >= 1 && id <= 4) {
_id := id_list%id%
WinActivate, ahk_id %_id%
<!h:: Send {BS} ; Backspace
<!m:: Send {Enter} ; 改行
<!d:: Send {Del} ; Del
<!u:: Send +{Home}{BS} ; 行頭まで削除
<!+u:: Send +{Home}^x ; 行頭までカット
<!k:: Send +{End}{BS} ; 行末まで削除
<!+k:: Send +{End}^x ; 行頭までカット
<!a:: Send {HOME} ; 行頭へ移動
<!+a:: Send +{HOME} ; 行頭まで選択
<!^a:: Send ^{HOME} ; 先頭行へ移動
<!e:: Send {END} ; 行末へ移動
<!+e:: Send +{END} ; 行末まで選択
<!^e:: Send ^{END} ; 最終行へ移動
<!^p:: Send ^{HOME} ; 先頭行まで移動
<!^+p:: Send ^{HOME} ; 先頭行まで選択
<!^n:: Send ^{END} ; 最終行まで移動
<!^+n:: Send ^+{END} ; 最終行まで選択
<!p:: Send {Up} ; 上へ移動
<!n:: Send {Down} ; 下へ移動
<!f:: SendInput {Right} ; 右へ移動
<!b:: SendInput {Left} ; 左へ移動
<!w:: Send +^{Left}{BS} ; 直前の単語を削除
<!^f:: Send ^{Right} ; 1単語だけ右へ移動
<!^b:: Send ^{Left} ; 1単語だけ左へ移動
#IfWinNotActive ahk_group Grp1
<^h:: Send {BS} ; Backspace
<^m:: Send {Enter} ; 改行
<^[:: Send {ESC} ; ESC
<!o:: Send {End}{Enter} ; 下に1行追加
<+!o:: Send {Home}{Enter}{Up} ; 上に1行追加
<!y:: Send {Home}+{End}^c{End} ; 1行コピー
<!+y:: Send {Home}+{End} ; 1行選択
<!^y:: Send {Home}+{End} ; 1行選択
<+!{:: Send {Up 10} ; 10行上へ移動
<+!}:: Send {Down 10} ; 10行下へ移動
<!+(:: Send {PgUp} ; Page Up
<!+):: Send {PgDn} ; Page Down
<^u:: Send +{Home}{Del} ; 行頭まで削除
<!Left:: Send {PgUp} ; Page Up
<!Right:: Send {PgDn} ; Page Down
<!Up:: Send ^{Home} ; 先頭行まで移動
<!Down:: Send ^{End} ; 最終行まで移動
<!+Up:: Send +^{Home} ; 先頭行まで選択
<!+Down:: Send +^{End} ; 最終行まで選択
#IfWinActive ahk_group Grp2
<^BS:: Send +^{Left}{BS}
; VSCode
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Code.exe
^+F18::Send {F14} ; workbench.action.quickOpen
; Zoom
#IfWinActive, ahk_class ZPPTMainFrmWndClassEx
CoordMode Mouse, Window
MouseGetPos MX, MY
WinGetPos, WX, WY, WW, WH, A
X := WW - MX
Y := MY
if (X > 2 && X < 78 && Y > 2 && Y < 43) {
Sleep, 200
Loop {
Process, Exist, zoom.exe
If !ErrorLevel
Process, Close, zoom.exe
Tray_Refresh() {
detectHiddenWin := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows, On
allTitles := ["ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd"
, "ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow"]
allControls := ["ToolbarWindow321"
allIconSizes := [24,32]
for id, title in allTitles {
for id, controlName in allControls
for id, iconSize in allIconSizes
ControlGetPos, xTray,yTray,wdTray,htTray,% controlName,% title
y := htTray - 10
While (y > 0)
x := wdTray - iconSize/2
While (x > 0)
point := (y << 16) + x
PostMessage,% WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0,% point,% controlName,% title
x -= iconSize/2
y -= iconSize/2
DetectHiddenWindows, %detectHiddenWin%
WindowWidthIncrese() {
MoveW := A_ScreenWidth / 10
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
if (X + W + MoveW + 5 < A_ScreenWidth) {
WinMove, A, , , , W + MoveW
} else {
WinMove, A, , , , A_ScreenWidth - X - 5
WindowWidthDecrese() {
MoveW := A_ScreenWidth / 10
MinimumW := A_ScreenWidth / 9
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
if (W - MoveW > MinimumW) {
WinMove, A, , , , W - MoveW
WindowHeightIncrese() {
MoveH := A_ScreenHeight / 10
WinGetPos, , , _w, _h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; Taskbar's height
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
if (Y + H + MoveH + 5 < A_ScreenHeight - _h) {
WinMove, A, , , , , H + MoveH
} else {
WinMove, A, , , , , A_ScreenHeight - _h - Y - 5
WindowHeightDecrese() {
MoveH := A_ScreenHeight / 10
MinimumH := A_ScreenHeight / 9
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
if (H - MoveH > MinimumH) {
WinMove, A, , , , , H - MoveH
WinGetPos, , , _w, _h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; Taskbar's height
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
WinL := X
WinR := X + W
WinT := Y
WinB := Y + H
MonL := 0
MonR := A_ScreenWidth
MonT := 0
MonB := A_ScreenHeight
HalfWinWidth := Floor((WinR - WinL) / 2)
HalfMonWidth := Floor((MonR - MonL) / 2)
NewWinX := MonL + HalfMonWidth - HalfWinWidth
HalfMonHeight := Floor((MonB - MonT - _h) / 2)
HalfWinHeight := Floor((WinB - WinT) / 2)
NewWinY := MonT + HalfMonHeight - HalfWinHeight
if ((NewWinX - MonL) < -15 || NewWinY - MonT < -15) {
MsgBox, 48, % "WARNING", % "The window position of this app is bad. X:" . NewWinX . ", Y:" . NewWinY . ", MonL:" . MonL . ", MonT:" . MonT
WinMove, A, , NewWinX, NewWinY, ,
WinGetPos, , , _w, _h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; Taskbar's height
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, A
MonH := A_ScreenHeight - _h
MonW := A_ScreenWidth
MonT := 0
MonB := A_ScreenHeight - _h
MonR := A_ScreenWidth
MonL := 0
MarginT := Y - 0
MarginB := A_ScreenHeight - (Y + H)
MarginL := X - 0
MarginR := A_ScreenWidth - (X + W)
Adjust := 0
if (v = "up") {
distance := MonH / 6
if (distance > MarginT) {
distance := MarginT
NewYPos := Y - distance
if (MarginT < 15) {
NewYPos := MonT
} else if (v = "down") {
distance := MonH / 6
if (distance > MarginB) {
distance := MarginB
NewYPos := Y + distance
if (NewYPos + H > MonB) {
NewYPos := MonB - H
} else if (v = "left") {
distance := MonW / 6
if (distance > MarginL) {
distance := MarginL
NewXPos := X - distance
if (MarginL < 15) {
NewXPos := MonL - Adjust
} else if (v = "right") {
distance := MonW / 6
if (distance > MarginR) {
distance := MarginR + Adjust
NewXPos := X + distance
if (MarginR < 15) {
NewXPos := MonR - W + Adjust
} else {
msgbox %v%
WinMove, A, , NewXPos, NewYPos
; msgbox % NewXPos
; msgbox %distance%
; msgbox % X
} ; }}}