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- Git/git push/push時に--set-upstreamを聞かれるのを省略する へ行く。
- 1 (2020-08-27 (木) 00:28:29)
#author("2020-08-27T00:28:29+09:00","default:ryuichi","ryuichi") * push時に--set-upstreamを聞かれるのを省略する [#i1f3acbb] ** 現象 [#e7645eba] $ git branch branch1 $ git co branch1 (略) $ git commit -m 'N/A' $ git push fatal: The current branch branch1 has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin branch1 git config --global push.default current