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- SSH/OpenSSH/ssh-keygen へ行く。
- 1 (2016-12-08 (木) 16:45:59)
- 2 (2016-12-08 (木) 17:00:15)
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-l Show fingerprint of specified public key file. Private RSA1 keys are also supported. For RSA and DSA keys ssh-keygen tries to find the matching public key file and prints its fingerprint. If combined with -v, an ASCII art representa- tion of the key is supplied with the fingerprint.
暗号化 2010年問題
- RSA 1024ビットは避ける。2048ビットにする。
- ssh-keygen -t rsa で作成される鍵は2048ビット。
- https://www.ssl.ph/compare/useful/2010/